Rachel and Mike’s Family shoot

Rachel and Mike brought their two children Claire and Jonathan to the studio for a portrait session last weekend. They were very relaxed  and a pleasure to work with!

Portrait for Mum

Dan, Chris and Mike visited the studio to have a portrait taken – the photograph was to be a present for their mum. We worked through a variety of styles and poses to ensure that their mum had a wide variety of images from which to make her selection. Here are a...

Bex and Alan’s Family shoot

Bex and Alan brought their two beautiful children along to the studio this weekend. Max and Tilly were very bubbly and full of energy and Max especially enjoyed posing for the camera!

Lindsay’s Photo Noir Shoot

Lindsay visited the studio this weekend for a Photo Noir shoot … and once concluded we moved on to some portraits of her on the sofa (you can see these in a later post).

Photo Noir – Jack and Emma

This weekend was a usual busy weekend in the studio. Jack and Emma visited me so that they could have some portraits ready for Christmas presents. Their mum and dad want to give some up to date photos to the children’s grandparents and god parents this year....

William’s Noir shoot

William hopped into the studio for a quick Photo Noir shoot during the half term holidays – here are a few images!