Cuddling brothers : Studio Portraits

I had a busy Saturday this weekend with a viewing and a shoot – weekends are popular with my customers as I’m sure you would expect with any photography studio. On Sunday, the studio was free in the afternoon and so my wife and I took the opportunity to...

Tim, Angela and Ellie – Autumn Portraits

I met Tim, Angela  and their beautiful daughter Ellie  at the Ashridge Estate last weekend for a portrait shoot. The autumn colours were beautiful and the light was just about perfect … we spend a lovely time together, Ellie playing in the leaves and having lots...

Mum, dad and Elodee’s shoot

Polly and Paul brought their very sweet daughter to the studio for a family shoot. Elodee was a bundle of fun, full of life and knowing what she wanted to do!

Berkhamsted Toddler Portraits

I had a fabulous shoot with young George and his mum and dad this weekend. This the first time I’ve seen George walk and he’s very confident even though he’s only been on his feet for a few weeks! I think he enjoyed his shoot … at the end of...

Helen and Richard’s Ashridge Portraits

The Autumn shoots at the Ashridge Estate have been going well and the colours of the foliage has been beautiful! I met Helen and Richard with their ever so cute son and playful dog for a shoot, we spent 30 minutes shooting and strolling between the various locations...

Ethan’s Shoot

Ethan has just had his first birthday! Congratulations Ethan. His mum and dad brought him along to the studio for a shoot, a previous client recommend me (Many thanks Rachael – I’ll contact you shortly with a little thank you!). Sarah and Mathew were a joy...