Very kindly, this young lady from near Hemel Hempstead, has allowed me to show you these maternity portraits. She’s about 6 or 7 months pregnant and wanted to record this special time and decided to be brave and have a series of nudes. After she arrived, we looked through some example photos so that she could consider the poses that she liked and would be happy with.
The shoot started with some bump shots with some fabric wrapped around her, just below the bump. Then we moved on to a sequence of shots with her lying on the floor in various poses. She was very relaxed and didn’t seem at all nervous about the experience so we the moved on to shoot some silhouettes (which I think make wonderful maternity portraits).
This mum to be has been back to the studio for her viewing and she said she was delighted with the results (many thanks for the order!), she was very easy to work with and as I said earlier very generous, letting me share these pictures with you. Good luck with the birth!