Roof abstract

Roof abstract

Today is the last day of William’s Easter holidays – back to school on Monday! I spent today with William and his brother Jamie. Late this morning, William decided that we should go to the aeroplane museum (as he calls it) – I think his favourite part is the shop on the way out :-). So we loaded the car with the essentials; Jamie’s changing bag and our camera equipment. After a smooth journey to the museum we squeezed into the car park (even though the sign said it was full – the parking attendant waived us in).

Lunch at Wings and then into the main exhibition halls (it’s free to get in). It turned out that in addition to the usual display, a large number of vintage cars had been brought into the hangers and squeezed in, under and around the planes.

Bombs away

Bombs away

Planes, no trains but automobiles.

Planes, no trains but automobiles.

As usual the boys loved wandering around – William taking photos of the photos on the walls, the LCD screens and even the odd plane or two! Jamie enjoyed pointing at the planes. Attached to one of the halls is a children’s educational area with interactive exhibits which teach youngsters about various aspects of the theory of flight and related topics. (Jamie is a bit young for this, but never mind he seemed happy).

Exited through the shop, a few pounds on another toy plane and we were in the car on our way home. I’d highly recommend the museum, especially if you’re looking for something to do when the weather isn’t too good. It’s free, educational and fun (and a chance for me to do some photography out and about with the children).